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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the arrival and dismissal times?
Classes begin at 8:10 am. Students will be allowed into the building at 7:45 am., when supervision begins. Please be aware that additional staff members are not on duty until 7:15 am. After 8:10, students will have to sign in the office and will be tardy and receive a late pass. Regular dismissal time is 3:20 pm.

What phone number do I call if my child will be absent from school?
Please call 877-5500 before 8:00 am. It is very important to call prior to 8:00 am. so that teachers can be advised of student absences. Be sure to indicate your child's first and last name and date and time of absence.

How do I dismiss my child during school hours?
It is in the best interest of your child's education to schedule your child's doctor, dental and other appointments after school hours. If this is not possible, please send your child with a note to the main office, or call in this early release before 8:00 am, indicating the reason for dismissal and at what time someone will be picking up your student.

Can I email the school about my child's absence?
Families can email the school office to report student absences. Please contact Blair Uphoff, Attendance, at

If I want my child to ride the bus home with a friend, what approval is needed?
These requests granted on a space available basis. Both students need to submit a signed, written request from both families. It is strongly suggested that the requests be made to the office one full day prior to the date they plan to ride together. All requests must be approved by administration.

How can I access homework when my child misses school?
Daily homework can be located in Infinite Campus, through the Parent Portal. To access homework or missing assignments, log into the portal and choose the student whose homework you are looking for. Once their information comes up on the screen, please click on the "To Do List" box on the far left hand side of the screen. This will show you any upcoming assignments that are due and any that may have passed without being turned in.

What is the procedure for dropping off/picking up my child? 
Traffic should enter at the North and Fifth Street entrance and proceed one-way up the loop towards the main entrance. Staying in a single line formation, students may then be dropped off along the curb. Waiting to drop students only at the main entrance backs up traffic and makes the process difficult.

Where can I find the required forms for over-the-counter or prescription medication? 
The Request to Administer Medication at School Form is on the middle school website. Contact the River Bluff Health Assistant at 877-5504 for additional information.

Do I need to purchase a lock for my child's locker? 
Children/families are responsible for their own lock for the lockers.

What school supplies are needed?
School supply lists for each grade are listed on the middle school website. Financial scholarships for school supplies are available by contacting school counselors and/or our Family Resource Specialist.

What if I can't afford a field trip fee, instrument rental, athletic fee, or other school related expense?
There are often scholarships and other supports available to help families with such school related expenses. Please contact the Family Resource Specialist for more information.

Where is the lost and found located?
Lost and found is located in the main entrance hallway, across from the main office. Please check for missing items regularly. Unclaimed items are donated to charities on a periodic basis throughout the year.

Where can I learn more about school activities taking place in school? 
Students should listen for the daily announcements. Students may also see posters located throughout the building. A weekly communication with parents, Campus News, may also address some of these activities.