Grading Procedures & Conferences
Grade Reports & Conferences
River Bluff Middle School has four grade reporting periods each year and holds parent-teacher conferences near the end of the first and third quarters or by parent/teacher request.. reports are sent home as early as possible when we see the possibility of difficulties.
Additional student reports are available through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Please do not hesitate to contact teachers directly to request additional grade updates or discuss your concerns.
Students are given a performance grade in each course at the end of each nine week period.
Mid-way through each grading period, the families of students who are not performing up to their potential or who are in danger of failing a course are notified of the student’s academic performance.
Final semester grades are recorded on permanent records and are used to determine grade point average. The final semester grade is determined by averaging each semester in a 50/50 ratio.
Honor Roll: Students must be taking a minimum of two credits per quarter to be eligible for the honor roll. Students with a Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) above 3.5 will be acknowledged as having achieved honors. A letter recognizing achievement of academic honor roll will be printed and sent to students at the conclusion of each quarter.
Grade Point Designators:
A= 4.0
B= 3.0
C= 2.0
D= 1.0
F= 0.0
Incomplete grades
Incompletes can be issued due to medical reasons and must have the approval of the principal. Students with a grade of incomplete will have 10 school days in which to finish the assigned coursework; that 10 school day period begins on the first day of the grading term (quarter or semester) following the term in which the student received the incomplete. Students with incomplete grades on their report cards are not eligible for the honor roll during a given grade report period. If an incomplete grade is made up between the time grades are reported and report cards issued, it is the responsibility of the teacher to notify the school counselor of any grade changes. Exceptions to this procedure require advance approval of the building principal.
Grading Procedures
“Learning Targets” describe what a student is expected to know, be able to do, produce, or perform in each class at River Bluff. “Learning Targets” are used by teachers as a guide in developing lessons that give students formative practice of a skill in the classroom, and also play a role in determining summative grades. “Learning Targets” are used by teachers as a label to describe what a student is learning with each formative assignment and summative test, and are viewed via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Grade Book and Parent Portal
River Bluff and Stoughton High School will use a consistent grading scale and is established in Infinite Campus: A = 100-90, B = 89-80, C = 79-70, D = 69-60, F = 59-50
Teachers commit to updating academic assessments and work ethic marks in the grade book, minimally, every 10 class periods.
Related Arts Teachers will produce a final grade at semester; the quarter marks will represent a progress grade only.
Grade Break-Down
During the 2021-22 school year, we will continue conversation around formative and summative tasks as a percentage of overall grade. River Bluff will communicate changes via individual course syllabi.
Formative tasks (those that are intended as practice and to inform next instruction, ie daily assignments, quick checks for understanding) will be worth 20% of the overall academic grade.
Formative practice will be similar to summative assessments (things like tests) in both content and format, so that expectations are clear and student familiarity is increased.
Formative work will be accepted until the end-of-unit summative. Any work not completed will be coded as an “M” (Missing) will be calculated as a failing grade of Zero.
Summative tasks (those that are intended as proof that the student has learned the material; example: tests, exams, essays, projects) will be worth 80% of the overall academic grade. Summative tasks should be given only after students have had opportunities to practice, seek help, and learn through formative tasks.
Summative assessment criteria (rubric, targets, format) will be communicated to students prior to the summative task.
No extra-credit for summative or formative assessments will be given.
Should a student earn < 50% on a summative, the grade will be recorded as 50% with a comment indicating the actual percent correct. This represents a failing grade, but not a mark that is irrecoverable in the overall course average.
If summative work is not completed or progressing, parents/guardians will be notified that work is to be completed by a specific date.
Re-take / Re-do / Re-assessment:
Any Summative Task (except one given on the final days of the semester and those deemed “hard to replicate”) can be retaken once. Students will be told in advance which summative assessments cannot be re-taken or re-done.
Re-takes generally must be completed within 5 class periods after receiving the grade for the first summative assessment.
If you are giving any semester final, the last summative assessment must be given five school days before the semester final.
The higher of the two assessments will be recorded. The two assessments will not be averaged.
Before a summative can be retaken, the student must have completed all of the formative work and provide evidence of further study.
All Summative Assessments are to be taken during the class period, with an appropriate staff member available for support.